Arriving at KY Tile Closeouts or Teak Closeouts should come from Manchester Street via New Circle Road or Oliver Lewis Way.
Easy interstate arrival is from exit 115 off I-64/I-75 shared highway onto Newton Pike. Newton Pike turns into Oliver Lewis Way at Main Street in about 3.5 miles. From Oliver Lewis, Manchester Street is the next right.
As you travel down Manchester Street from Oliver Lewis Way, the right turn is about 1 mile. You will see the large distillery looming on your left just before you make your turn right.
GPS directions like to send you through the residential neighborhood. Proof positive that technology is not foolproof.
Upon arrival, Thompson Road may be congested with customers from Burn Boot Camp. This is typically very early in the morning or around 4-6pm in the evening. Saturday is normally busy throughout the day. Exit from the property can be the same situation.
We prefer 9am to 2pm deliveries or pick-up UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. We will unload/load up to 5pm, but it is easier for us during this 9am-2pm period. This time-frame also works best for Thompson street traffic.
The entrance is a single lane that opens at the throat to the larger 10 acres. Once you arrive, follow the image arrow and do a circle as you place your truck head back in the throat. At this point, you will have a better angle at hitting dock 1 or dock 2. Unless we are directing you to a particular dock, either is fine.
When you are ready to exit, the angle of attack at the throat is impossible with a 90 degree turn. Many drivers try and soon realize their back 5-10′ can’t make the exit. Instead, place your head back in the throat and back your truck parallel with the building. From this angle, you can wiggle out easily and safely.
Our typical unload times are 1 hour and our load times are 1 to 1.5 hours for 53′ dry vans.
Overseas container unloading is a strict 2 hours on the dot.
Snacks and drinks are available inside and free for our guests. We do not have hot drinks – only refrig drinks. Currently, the bathrooms are unavailable due to plumbing repair on the main line. A waiting room is available if requested.
This last image highlights the overnight arrival parking locations and/or delayed departure. After loading, please pull to one of these locations within 15 minutes. We do have on-site security and they may approach your truck for a security check (if arriving overnight).